Residential Property for Sale in Bashundhara | Assure Darul Lamha
The development of Assure Darul Lamha is a unique blend of cutting-edge technology that will revamp the skyline of Bashundhara, Dhaka.
√ Residential
√ House 384, Road 21, Block G, Bashundhara, Dhaka
√ TYPE- A 1359 sft
√ TYPE- B 1256 sft
√ Ground+6 Living Floor
√ 1 NO.
√ 1 NO.
√ North-West.
√ 5 Katha (More or Less) .
√ 03 Beds, √ 03 Baths (02 Attached), √ 02 Ver, √ Living, √ Dining, √ Family Living, √ Kitchen with ver.
√ Guard Post, √ Caretaker Bed, √ Generator Room, √ Sub-station at Ground Floor.√ Community Space, √ Plantation, √ Cloth Drying Area, √ Machine Room at Roof-top.

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