Successful Handover of Project Assure Water Breeze
"ASSURE WATER BREEZE" - a Luxury Apartment Project at @ Sector-13, Uttara & ASSURE Group is highly delighted to announce the successful completion & handover of "Assure Water Breeze", a B+G+9 storied, luxurious #Single_Unit apartment complex located on Lake facing at House 23 Road 01 Sector 13 Uttara, Dhaka-1230.
The Ceremony has held on November 14, 2020, evening and took place at the Community Hall premise of the project.
All the honorable clients and landowners were present & taken over their respective property from #ASSURE_GROUP.
High officials of Head office, Engineering, Customer Care and Logistic Dept. of the Group, were also present at this colorful evening. Call Us #assure_group: +8809612-008800